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Couple’s Nutrition Counselling

We know that having someone hold you accountable is helpful when trying to achieve certain goals. You can share in the benefits and challenges of the goal together. If you’re preparing or sharing meals with a partner or family member, it may be helpful to be counselled together. Being on the same page can make the process of changing habits that much easier. Couple’s nutrition counselling is a partner-approach to meeting goals. With the guidance of a Nutritionist, you will discuss your individual strengths and challenges, as well as those faced as a partnership. We will tackle these issues together with the hopes that you can work as a team to meet your individual and couple-specific nutrition and health goals. Couple’s nutrition counselling is best for:

  • Those looking to manage health conditions but their partner or family member does most of the grocery shopping and meal preparation
  • Couples looking to change their lifestyle together with similar goals (i.e. weight loss)
  • Individuals who would like their partner along for the nutrition education journey

Book with Diana Klimowicz for Couple’s Nutrition Counselling.

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